Zambo gets Special Citation for Most Biz-Friendly LGU award

The Philippine Chamber of Commerce and Industry (PCCI) conferred the City Government of Zamboanga with a special citation for its efforts to streamline business processes resulting to a significant increase in new business enterprises.

The citation was presented to the City Government during the 45th Philippine Business Conference and Expo held at the Manila Hotel last Oct. 16.

From 2018-2019, Zamboanga City posted a 74% increase in the number of approved business permits for new business applications (Jan-Mar). Also recorded was a 182% increase in the number of approved business renewals (Jan-Mar).

The city also pursues strategies towards improving business sector confidence by supporting national government efforts to reduce criminality and proliferation of prohibited drugs.

The City Government of Zamboanga was nominated to the Most Business-Friendly LGU award by the Southern Philippines Deep Sea Fishing Asso., Inc. (SOPHIL) headed by its President Jaydrick Yap. (IPS Division PR)