World Tourism Day 2023: Tourism and Green Investment.

The World Tourism Day which was established by the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) on September 27, 1979, holds a global importance. It is a day when nations, cities, and communities worldwide unite to acknowledge and celebrate tourism’s economic, cultural, and environmental contributions.

The theme for this year’s World Tourism Day is “Tourism and Green Investment.” We stand with the rest of the world in advocating for a tourism industry that doesnt only cater to the people, but also cater to the betterment of the planet.

The City Government of Zamboanga and the City Tourism Office have been firm advocates of the green movement and one of its biggest efforts is the preservation and development of Sta. Cruz Island, a naturally protected area. Here are some of the efforts that they have made in-line to this advocacy:

  1. Prohibition of Single-Use Plastics: One of the most significant measures implemented by Zamboanga City is the strict prohibition of single-use plastics on Sta. Cruz Island. This means that visitors are not allowed to bring or use items like plastic bottles, bags, and straws on the island. This initiative aims to prevent plastic pollution, which can harm the environment and marine life.

  2. Eco-Friendly Tourism Practices: The city promotes eco-friendly tourism practices, such as encouraging visitors to bring reusable containers and promoting the use of eco-friendly options.

  3. Marine Conservation: Beyond addressing plastic pollution, Zamboanga City is actively engaged in marine conservation efforts around Sta. Cruz Island. This includes initiatives to protect coral reefs, marine biodiversity, and nesting sites for endangered species. It is good to know that only a small portion of the island is allowed access to for visitors. This is to make sure that the ecology of the island is preserved.

  4. Regulation of Visitor Numbers: To prevent over-tourism and minimize environmental impact, the city regulates the number of visitors allowed on Sta. Cruz Island at any given time. This ensures that the island’s fragile ecosystem is not overwhelmed by excessive human activity.

  5. Community Involvement: The local communities residing near Sta. Cruz Island play a crucial role in its conservation. They are often engaged in sustainable tourism practices and environmental protection efforts, ensuring that the benefits of tourism are shared with the people who call the area home.

As we celebrate the World Tourism Day, The City Government of Zamboanga and the Local Tourism Office reaffirms its commitment in preserving its natural wonders and promoting responsible tourism within the city and beyond. The City Government of Zamboanga