CHO: 33K kids vaccinated vs measles

The local government’s measles vaccination campaign has resulted in 33,833 vaccinations, the City Health Office reported Monday.

City Health Officer Dr. Dulce Miravite during the press briefing in City Hall Monday said the 33,833 vaccinations were part of the Knockout Tigdas activity and included measles vaccination for children aged 0-59 months, school-based immunizations, and vaccinations of children of other ages who were also deemed vulnerable to measles.

In the 0-59 month age bracket, the City Health Office recorded a 102% accomplishment, with 11,322 children injected versus the targeted 11,078.

The vaccination campaign forms part of the local government’s Knockout Tigdas, in response to the measles outbreak in the city.

Meanwhile, the City Health Office continues to monitor situation as per data, measles cases continue to be reported this year.

Recall, a measles outbreak was declared in Zamboanga City on February last year. The CHO has previously stated that the outbreak can only be lifted if no measles case will be reported for a period of 4 weeks.

As of March 22, the CHO has documented several suspected measles cases in barangays Calarian, San Roque, Talisayan, Cabatangan, Guiwan, Kasanyangan, Sinunuc, Baliwasan, Labuan, Mampang, Mercedes, Sta. Maria, Talon-talon, Tetuan, and Tugbungan. (Jasmine Mohammadsali)