Zambo PESO is region’s best SPES implementer

The city’s Public Employment Service Office (PESO) has been adjudged as the Best SPES Implementer in the region, posting a total of 1,474 beneficiaries with 60% allocation and 100% implementation for the year 2023.

At the same time, PESO Manager Jerico Jan Bustamante was recognized as Top Performer for Labor Market Information (LMI), under the highly urbanized city (HUC) category, for having recorded the highest number of individuals reached during the 3rd quarter of 2023.

These recognitions were presented to PESO Zamboanga City during the 2023 PESO and JPO (Job Placement Office) Year-End Performance Assessment (YEPA) Awards organized by the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) Regional office 9 at the Garden Orchid Hotel, Wednesday, December 13.

DOLE Regional Director Albert Gutib personally presented the awards to the top performing PESO and JPOs in the region.

In recognizing the PESO, the DOLE said PESO Zamboanga City “sustained its commitment to enhance youth employability by bridging opportunities for SPES beneficiaries within the region.”

On the other hand, Bustamante was adjudged as top performer for LMI under the HUC category for obtaining the highest number of individuals reached (2,378) that contributed to “effective and efficient LMI dissemination in the locality and accomplishment of DOLE 9’s regional target.”

Meanwhile, another awardee from Zamboanga City was the WMSU JPO for its accomplishments in providing PESO Core services. (Sheila Covarrubias)