Sta. Catalina residents undergo training on hygiene, sanitation

Sta. Catalina purok leaders, barangay health workers, community-based organizations and members of the Barangay Council undergo a 5-day Participatory Hygiene and Sanitation Transformation (PHAST) Training of Volunteers (ToV) organized jointly by the Philippine Red Cross-ZC chapter and the City Government from May 13,14,15,17 and 20.

The activity formed part of the Promotion of Green and Circular Economy through Civil Society Engagement and Good Governance in Highly Urbanized Coastal Cities in the Philippines Program, based on an agreement entered into by the PRC and the City Government last September 2023 that aims to strenghten civil society engagement, promote good governance, and foster a green and circular economy in highly urbanized coastal areas, with a specific focus on addressing solid waste proliferation and its impact on vulnerable communities.

Sta. Catalina is one of the 8 barangays identified for the project in Zamboanga City. The other 7 are Ayala, Tulungatung, Cawit, Maasin, San Roque, Recodo and Baliwasan.

Present during the activity were Sta. Catalina Barangay Chairperson and Councilor Jordan Evangelista and Kagawad Kim Villaflores, Red Cross Administrator Joseline Fernandez, Sheena Marie Tubaing, Focal on Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH), Social Welfare Officer Isabelo A. Pinote Jr. and Community Development Officer Alyssa Trinidad. (Sheila Covarrubias)