“Do not cause alarm, scandal”, Beng appeals to public

In light of the fake abduction claim by a resident of barangay Licomo, Mayor Beng Climaco has issued an appeal for people to do away with situations that may cause alarm and scandal.

This, as the police are bent on filing charges of violation of Article 318 of the Revised Penal Code against Hadji Naguib Tan Puyong for deceiving the authorities about a purported kidnapping incident in barangay Licomo in the east coast.

“We appeal to residents, do not cause alarm and scandal to the people, we do not need that. At any given moment, the City Government provides for medical assistance and we are here to help and serve you,” the mayor said in her regular press briefing in City Hall Monday.

The chief executive expressed dismay that the fake abduction claim last July 11 has caused undue alarm not only to the residents but to the authorities as well. The authorities, she said, exhausted all means to investigate and to undertake rescue efforts only to find out that the incident was just a drama.

“Life may be very challenging and difficult but please know that we have a government that is ready to help,” the mayor stressed.

Authorities have determined that Puyong concocted the story to fake his own kidnapping. Puyong has admitted and apologized for his demeanor. 

Mayor Climaco said she will abide by the police in the planned filing of the case but stressed that Puyong should not be considered a victim but a suspect and a perpetrator. She thanked the police and the military particularly the anti-kidnapping group for their efforts in responding to the “incident.”

The fake abduction incident has captured the attention of the public last Thursday, July 11. Based on the concocted story, Police Spokesperson PCapt. Edwin Duco said authorities undertook negotiation and rescue efforts but Puyong was recovered while withdrawing the “ransom money” from a branch of Palawan Express Padala in the neighboring province.

Duco said Puyong was brought to the AKG headquarters in Camp Batalla at the R.T. Lim Boulevard where it was found out, per his admission, that the abduction claim was a fake. (Sheila Covarrubias)