City Vet initiates LEGS orientation

The Office of the City Veterinarian organized a 2-day seminar on Livestock Emergency Guidelines and Standards (LEGS) with poultry, layer and livestock farmers and veterinarians and other agencies concerned as participants.

City Veterinarian Dr. Mario Ariola said LEGS is a set of international guidelines and standards for designing, implementing, and evaluating livestock interventions to help people affected by humanitarian crises.

LEGS is based on 3 livelihood objectives – to provide rapid assistance, protect livestock assets, and to rebuild livestock assets of crisis-affected communities.It supports the saving of both lives and livelihoods through two key strategies – identifying the most appropriate livestock interventions during emergencies and providing standards, Key actions, and Guidance notes for these interventions based on good practice.

Ariola said resource persons from Manila were invited to speak on the different areas of coverage to include the general principles, decision-making and planning; overview of emergencies, livestock and livelihoods and LEGS objectives; LEGS core standards and initial assessment and identifying responses.

According to Ariola after the training the participants are expected to determine appropriate livestock interventions during emergency situations in their respective areas of operation, discuss livestock emergency guideline core standards, develop a participatory response identification matrix, and prepare a re-entry and monitoring plans for the City.

Specific LEGS interventions are destocking, veterinary support, ensuring feed supplies, provision of water, livestock shelter and settlement and provision of livestock, he added.  (Sheila Covarrubias)