City holds executive budget forum

Mayor Beng Climaco and the Finance Committee Tuesday spearheaded the Executive Budget Forum, as city department heads, division chiefs and administrative officers prepare their individual budget proposals for 2020.

The forum, which was also attended by representatives from the civil society, is among the initial process in budget preparation leading to the conduct of budget hearings and the eventual submission of the proposal to the Sangguniang Panlungsod for consideration.

The same forum, held at the Royce Convention at the Grand Astoria Hotel aids and guides city officials in the preparation of the budget proposals which should include programs and projects that complement the mayor’s flagship program.

Mayor Climaco, in her message appealed to all present to help her make a difference and make Zamboanga successful in the next 36 months which comprise her third term in office. She urged them to persist and not to give up despite the challenges.

“I ask all of you today, this is the 36 months that I have to make a difference and I ask you all to help me make Zamboanga successful,” the mayor said as she vowed to be fiercer in the implementation “of all rules and regulations for as long as it will help the people of Zamboanga City.”

City Budget Officer Geraldine de la Paz said the city expects an increase in the 2020 budget based on local and external sources alone. Estimated budget for this year, minus the reversions of unimplementable projects is P4.09B, she said.

Councior Rommel Agan, who chairs the Council Committee on Appropriation, City Budget Officer Geraldine de la Paz, City Treasurer Romelita Candido, City Accountant Sylvia Binarao and City Planning and Development Officer Engr. Rodrigo Sicat –all members of the Finance Committee individually laid down the guidelines in budget preparation based on existing laws and procedures. (Sheila Covarrubias)