City expresses support for LGBT sector

The city government joined a one-day confab celebrating equality, pride, and diversity with the LGBTQI community of Zamboanga City Wednesday, July 3.

OIC Mayor Rommel Agan, representing Mayor Beng Climaco, reiterated the city government’s support and stand for equality and protection for the members of the LGBTQI, and acknowledged the sector’s significant contributions in their various fields, including local governance.

“This is why I am thankful to the GAD team – it is high time that you be recognized as people who have as much potential as any man or woman,” Again said.

The activity, dubbed Celebrating Pride, Equality, Colors, and Diversity, was spearheaded by the city’s Gender and Development (GAD) and the LGBT Federation of Zamboanga City with the aim of promoting and advancing the rights and equal protection of members of the LGBTQI community.

Commissioner Norman Baloro, Supervising Commissioner for Mindanao of the Presidential Commission for the Urban Poor, served as special guest for the occasion.

Agan further emphasized the need for equality and to accord respect to members of the LGBT community as fellow Zamboangueños with the same rights, privileges, and opportunities.

“In this day and age, people should learn to appreciate and acknowledge people for what they can give to the city and not for their sexual identity,” Agan said.

He assured the LGBTQI sector of his and Mayor Climaco’s support, citing the Climaco administration’s policy of inclusivity and their commitment to help in the fight for LGBT rights.

“Mayor Beng and I are one with you in your fight for equal rights and protection. The process will be long and you will experience several defeats, but don’t lose heart, don’t lose hope,” he said. (Jasmine Mohammadsali)