City, DOLE deploy 1,503 students for summer job

Some 1,503 high school students, composing the first batch of Special Program for the Employment of Students (SPES), undergo orientation Thursday, May 30 at Claret School Gymnasium, in preparation for their deployment in various field offices and barangays on Monday, June 3.

Mayor John Dalipe, who spearheaded the orientation, has allocated P17M for this year’s SPES program, a joint undertaking of the city government and the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE-9) aimed to assist underprivileged but deserving students and out-of-school youth.

The program provides a 20-day work opportunity for the students, wherein each beneficiary will earn a daily wage of P590.13, amounting to a total of P11,802.60 for the duration of the program.

Mayor Dalipe encouraged the SPES beneficiaries to take full advantage of the opportunity and to fulfill their roles responsibly, emphasizing how lucky they are to be part of the program.

For the first batch, the salaries will be fully paid by the city government through the Public Employment Service Office (PESO).

The orientation was aimed at discussing critical aspects to prepare the students for their upcoming roles. It covered topics including Human Resources employment policies and guidelines, the SPES online system, occupational safety and health protocols, and the specific duties and responsibilities of SPES beneficiaries.

Present during the orientation were Councilor Al-Jihan Edding, Assistant City Human Resource Management Officer and PESO Manager Jerico Jan Bustamante, representatives from DOLE-9, CSWDO and CHRMO, and several others.

SPES is an annual program implemented nationwide based on Republic Act 7323, as amended by Republic Act No. 9547 and 10917 and is a government initiative designed to provide temporary employment opportunities for financially challenged students to keep them in school and finish their education by allowing them to work and make their school break productive. (Bernadeth Lazaro)