CHO continues to monitor measles cases

The City Health office (CHO) continues to closely monitor measles cases in the city, as the outbreak declaration remains in effect.

Assistant City Health Officer Dr. Kibtiya Uddin said the measles outbreak declared last February cannot be lifted yet as cases continue to register. The outbreak can only be lifted if a zero case is registered in four weeks or in one month.

For the third quarter this year, the CHO reported 495 cases, 6 of which were fatal.

Parallel to the monitoring activity, according to Uddin, are the advocacy campaigns and the school-based immunization activities.

However, Uddin said accomplishment for school-based immunization particularly vaccinations for measles, rubella, tetanus and diphtheria (MRTD) administered on grades 1, IV and VII students is only a little over 50 percent as parents are reluctant to give their consent due to the dengvaxia scare.

Meanwhile, leptospirosis cases as of October 18 this year reached 26 with 11 fatalities. Two of these fatalities were reported in barangay Kasanyangan and 1 death each in barangays Bungiao, Mariki, Mercedes, Putik, Recodo, San Roque, Sangali, Tetuan and Tugbungan.

On the other hand, there were 22 cases of hand foot and mouth disease (HFMD) recorded as of the third quarter of this year. Most of those infected were children between 1-4 years old at 77% with the 23 percent affected coming from the age bracket 0-9 months old.  (Sheila Covarrubias)