City to roll out SPaSS

Pursuant to the instructions contained in the National IATF Resolution No.101 series 2021 dated February 26, 3021, the Computer Division of the Office of the City Mayor and DOST-9 spearheaded an orientation meeting Thursday, April 8 to roll out the Safe, Swift and Smart Passage or S-PaSS. The meeting was participated by the CDRRMO representatives…
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Climaco orders 700-bed isolation facilities readied

As Covid-19 cases continue to increase in Zamboanga City, nearly hitting the 200 mark as of yesterday, Mayor Beng Climaco has instructed concerned offices to prepare at least 700-bed isolation facilities in case the situation worsens as it was during the first wave of the pandemic last year. In an emergency meeting yesterday, Climaco instructed…
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CHO deploys 400 contact tracers

The city government of Zamboanga through the City Health Office has already deployed around 400 contact tracers to the different barangays, placing the contact tracing ratio at 1:27. Of the total number of contact tracers, 300 were hired by the city government and 100 by the Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG). The contact…
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