Beng cautions vs fake COVID news spread

The local government has requested residents to exercise caution in sharing unverified news and information about the coronavirus disease (COVID 19). “This is not a moment for us to be very careless in our sharing of information,” Mayor Beng Climaco declared. She said the spread of false information does nothing to help the situation and…
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Beng spells out strategies to solve water shortage

Mayor Beng Climaco has emphasized during the water forum last Monday the need to save and recover the revenue that has been lost to waste water, technically known as non-revenue water (NRW), to augment the finances of the Zamboanga City Water District without necessarily increasing the water rates. The NRW remains high at 57% in…
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Dia de las Mujeres, well attended

Women and men from all sectors in the city convened at the KCC Mall de Zamboanga Monday, March 9 to celebrate “Dia de las Mujeres” in line with observance of Women’s Month. Aimed to celebrate women’s success and to make gender equality a reality, the activity was highlighted by talks by two inspiring wmen: Juliet…
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