Beng welcomes diverse voices in City Council

Mayor Beng Climaco was happy to note that majority of the present members of the Sangguniang Panlungsod are supportive of the programs of the city government under her administration even as she welcomed what she termed as “diverse voices” in the local legislature.

Climaco said for the first session of the City Council last week “so far, the evaluation that they have is that majority are in support of our programs.”

“But we really welcome diverse voices in the City Council because that is real democracy in action,” the mayor said even assuring as what she said during the maiden session that “there will be no more blanket authority of the mayor.”

She pointed out that under her administration the local legislative body will remain an independent collegiate body following the laws, rules and regulations, and internal rules and procedures of the Council for them (the members) to collectively agree, disagree and jointly be able to decide according to their votes (on issues presented before them).

When asked if she welcomes fiscalizers in the City Council, Climaco said, “Definitely, because my father (former vice mayor) told me to be honest and become a fiscalizer. That is why the people of Zamboanga with the grace of God have given me this opportunity—to be elected mayor for three terms.”

“You were elected to be the voice of our people. So, as local chief executive, I welcome diverse voices in the City Council because that is the art of true democracy alive in our city,” Climaco declared during the press briefing yesterday.-(Vic Larato)