Beng cites need for research amid pandemics vs humanity

 Mayor Beng Climaco has called on the academe community to strengthen its research capability, especially nowadays when humans are confronted with health-threatening pandemics or plagues.

Climaco made the statement as she keynoted yesterday the opening of a two-day Basic Research Caravan initiated by the National Research Council of the Philippines at the Zamboanga State College of Marine Sciences and Technology (ZSCMST) in Rio Hondo, this city.

Climaco’s message delved on the so-called zoonotic viruses or diseases that are airborne and transferred from animals to humans. Common among these zoonotic viruses from animals are the Ebola, Avian flu, the African Swine Flu (ASF), and now the deadliest novel coronavirus acute respiratory disease (nCov-ARD) which has taken many victims all over the world.

She said these pandemics arising from zoonotic viruses can only be given solutions or medicines through research. “Research must be strengthened among schools, not only in the field of medicines but other topics to develop the students’ research ability. Research is needed.”

The mayor commended the researchers attending the two-day caravan, and even encourages other academicians to engage more in research even as she acknowledged the fact that oftentimes the lack of funds is a downside of research.

The research caravan aims to showcase NRCP in various regions, hoping that there will be more research initiatives that will address problems and interest relevant to various localities and communities throughout the country.-(Vic Larato)