Beng cautions vs fake COVID news spread

The local government has requested residents to exercise caution in sharing unverified news and information about the coronavirus disease (COVID 19).

“This is not a moment for us to be very careless in our sharing of information,” Mayor Beng Climaco declared.

She said the spread of false information does nothing to help the situation and instead can lead to panic and confusion among the general public.

She urged residents to refrain sharing and spreading information, news, and data that are “lacking in basis”.

“Pabor evita kita con este kay hinde kita ta ayuda na situacion,” the Mayor stressed.

Residents with concerns, questions, and information should instead contact the City Health Office (CHO).

The city’s COVID hotline numbers are 955-9601 and 0966 175 4298.

As of March 10, the Department of Health (DOH) reported 33 confirmed COVID cases in the country. President Rodrigo Duterte has placed the country under a state of public emergency and declared a code red, sub-level 1 alert level, a preventive call to alert all public and private healthcare providers’ readiness for COVID.

Meanwhile, the Mayor promised to mobilize local government funds and resources to help the DOH address and mitigate the burden of COVID 19.

The Mayor convened Task Force COVID for its first meeting Tuesday afternoon to coordinate courses of action to contain and handle COVID 19 cases, and safeguard the safety and well-being of residents.

Continuous meetings are being conducted with the health sector and the city’s public and private hospitals.

Mayor Climaco also requested local government employees to exercise necessary precautions at City Hall including no sharing of meals, proper hand sanitations, and refraining from coming in to work when sick.  (Jasmine Mohammadsali)