Beng distributes ECCD books

Mayor Beng Climaco the other day spearheaded the distribution of Early Childhood Care Development (ECCD) books to day care centers in the barangays, as she aggressively pursues her Security, Health and Education (SHE) program.

The books were purchased by the City Government through the City Social Welfare and Development office (CSWDO). A total of 26,666 activity books were purchased costing a total of P4.799 million and they include ABC practice books on reading, language and mathematics.

The initial distribution the other day covered 56 day care centers under CSWDO-field office I in banagay Ayala with each day care facility receiving 72 books.

The books are authored by Raffy Magtoto Gamad, a registered social worker, who also spearheaded the conduct of an orientation for Child Development Workers (CDW) on the use of the books last Nov. 26 and 27, 2018.

Joining the mayor during the distribution in Ayala were Councilors Josephine Pareja and Elbert Atilano, CSWDO personnel led by Uldarico Fabian and other officials and guests.

The practice book in reading was prepared and revised particularly for preschool children in day care center. Each lesson or page contains directions/ instructions for the parents, workers and guardians on how to manage the lesson in focus. The book on language is designed for boys and girls to be communicatively competent using the English language while the mathematics book is designed to provide foundation for the development of the logical-mathematical intelligence of young children. (Sheila Covarrubias)