Budgetwise-Ayala opens in support of Beng’s leadership

Mayor Beng Climaco yesterday graced the blessing of a new “Budgetwise,” one of the leading chains of supermarkets in Zamboanga City—this time in Barangay Ayala, identified as one of the city’s growth areas in the west coast.

In her message, Mayor Climaco thanked the “Budgetwise” management headed by Edwin To for their contribution to the city’s growing economy under her administration.

To said it was sometime in 2011 that they thought of putting another “Budgetwise” store. “We moved around and we saw the need of the community.”

“But what really pushed us to open one in Ayala was when Madam Mayor (assumed office in 2013), especially during the siege when we saw the shutdown of the city,” To said. “It was 21 days of no operation.”

“We realized the need to expand and go beyond the city limits to be able to serve the city,” he further said, adding that during his term as president of the Zamboanga Chamber of Commerce, “the mayor was pushing for alternative growth areas and Ayala was identified as one of them.”

“So, in support of the leadership of our beloved mayor, we really pushed to open one here in Ayala,” the Budgetwise owner said.

According to Climaco, the opening of Budgetwise Ayala is a testimony to the business sector’s trust and confidence in doing business in Zamboanga under her leadership.

Added to that, she said, was the opening the other day of a new hospital along Pilar Street, not to mention the many business establishments, big and small, that are already making waves in the city, and many more that will be opening soon.

One of the most awaited is the SM Mindpro, which is now under expansion and renovation.-(Vic Larato)