Cease, desist orders issued vs erring gas stations

Personnel from the Business Permits and Licensing Division under the Office of the City Mayor, Thursday, July 4, start serving cease and desist orders to gasoline stations operating sans business permits.

This, based on a directive from Mayor John Dalipe and formal order signed by City Administrator Atty. Wendell Sotto mandating the closure of high risk businesses operating without appropriate permits.

The Licensing Office initially found 18 gas stations to be operating illegally, a violation of sections 3 and 20 of City Ordinance No. 92-008, Ordinance 2008-148, and other related laws.

There are 48 gas stations operating in the city.

With assistance from Task Force Zamboanga and City Hall Community Police Action Center (COMPAC), the Licensing Division enforcement team served the stoppage orders to erring gas stations in barangays Sangali and Bolong Thursday, July 4. On Friday, July 5, and in the coming days, the team will proceed toTalon-talon, Mampang and other barangays in the city proper.

The stoppage order directs to concerned establishments to cease operation until they secure the required Mayor’s Permit. Failure to abide by the directive will result to penalties and legal consequences.

Licensing Division Chief Benjie Barredo said the erring gas stations continued operating despite prior notices issued. This effort seeks to ensure that all businesses in the city operate within the legal framework, prioritizing safety and regulatory compliance, Barredo added. (with reports from Bernadeth Lazaro)