All set for massive crackdown vs colorum vehicles

Members of the city’s Task Force Ordinance and the Police Traffic Enforcement Unit undergo a refresher seminar on the updated issuances related to colorum public utility vehicles and deputization.

Held at the CDRRMO conference room Friday, May 24, the activity was organized by the City Administrator’s Office and facilitated by the Land Transportation Office (LTO).

The session aimed to review strategies for executing anti-colorum operations, as the city government, police, LTO and the Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board (LTFRB) are preparing to conduct a massive crackdown against colorum vehicles and other traffic violations soon.

Facilitating the training were Police Traffic Enforcement Unit (TEU) head Maj. Chester Natividad who heads the anti-colorum team and LTO Agent Erwin Española. (with reports from Bernadeth Lazaro)