Free wifi at the Great Sta. Cruz island

The Great Sta. Cruz Island, listed by the National Geographic as one of the 21 best beaches in the world is now connected to the world.

This, as the Department of Information and Communication Technology (DICT) in collaboration with the City Government, has established free wi-fi sites at the Sta. Cruz Island as part of its Free Wi-Fi for All – Free public internet access program.

The program is also in line with Mayor John Dalipe’s promise to bridge digital divide by providing wireless access in public places and open spaces to include tourist sites.

The installation activity, conducted Wednesday, August 9 was done in coordination with the Office of the City Environment and Natural Resources (OCENR), Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) through the Protected Area Management Office (PAMO). It was also done with clearance from the Protected Area Management Board (PAMB), as Sta. Cruz Island is a protected area.

Recall that free wi-fi services were likewise made available for all in City Hall last March 22, barely 2 months after the mayor’s state of the city address (SOCA) where he promised to pursue digitalization in all transactions in City Hall and to provide free wi-fi access in public spaces.

Last June 2, free wi-fi services were also installed at the Paseo del Mar, the people’s park, in collaboration with the Computer Services Division under the CMO.

The wi-fi solution is a program of the government implemented by the Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT) 9 in partnership with the City Computer Services Division. It is expected to expand to other public places to include tourist sites in the coming days.

In recent weeks, the DICT-9 also established wi-fi sites in various island barangays in collaboration with the local government. (Sheila Covarrubias)