CHO warns anew vs leptospirosis

The City Health Office (CHO) urges residents to take precautionary measures against leptospirosis as the city experiences flooding from inclement weather.

City Health Officer Dr. Dulce Miravite warns the public not to take the bacterial infection lightly as it can cause a wide range of complications and ultimately lead to death when left untreated.

“It is always serious if it involves a life. Once you get infected and you get the complications, it can lead to death,” the city official cautioned during yesterday’s press briefing at City Hall.

According to the local health officer, CHO has recorded a running total of 73 leptospirosis cases since January with 7 deaths.

The number of cases is 508% higher compared to the same period in 2022 and 564% higher against the 5-year average.

Barangays Tugbungan, Zambowood, Guiwan, Cabaluay, and Taluksangay recorded the highest attack rates while leptospirosis deaths were from barangays Divisoria, Guiwan, San Jose Gusu, San Roque, Sangali, with Mampang registering two fatalities.

Dr. Miravite clarified that the reported deaths were recorded in January and February when the city experienced two flooding incidents rains brought about by low-pressure area (LPA).

Leptospirosis is transmitted through contact with water contaminated with urine and other body fluids from animals infected with the Leptospira bacteria.

To avoid infection, the city official urged residents to wear protective clothing, to clean wound and cover skin lesions with waterproof dressings, to wash or shower after potential exposure, to avoid wading or swimming in potentially contaminated water, to stay away from sick or dead animals, to consume clean drinking water, among other measures.

“We have to take precautions because there are things that we can do to prevent from getting the infection and to be cured. Chene kita maga medecina. We only have to do these measures and take the medicines,” Dr. Miravite stressed. (Claudine Uniana)