USAID, LGU forge partnership for CHANGE projects

The U.S. Agency for International Development through its Cities for Enhanced Governance and Engagement (CHANGE) and the City Government led by Mayor John Dalipe have officially sealed their partnership for the implementation of projects aimed to strengthen democratic governance. 

On Tuesday, June 20, USAID CHANGE Project Chief of Party Sergio Andal Jr. formally turned over to Mayor Dalipe the signed Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) affirming the selection of Zamboanga City for the USAID Philippines Cities for the CHANGE activity. 

The CHANGE project is intended to support strengthened economic governance in the Philippines. It seeks to achieve more responsive local governance through 3 objects: strengthen the enabling environment for decentralization; enhance service delivery capacity, legitimacy, transparency and accountability of participating local governments and empower citizens by increasing their participation in and oversight of local governance processes in ways that government both approves and supports. 

The MOU was signed by Mayor Dalipe and Jeffrey Goebel, USAID Director of the Office of Economic Development and Governance.

The USAID-CHANGE replaced the USAID-Strengthening Urban Resilience for Growth with Equity (SURGE) Project implemented the past 6 years and aimed to increase competitiveness and attain resilient and inclusive economic growth of cities outside of Metro Manila. It ended last November 2021. 

Also present during the presentation of the signed MOU to Mayor Dalipe at the City Hall conference room Tuesday were City Planning and Development Coordinator Ma. Luz Agbayani, Assistant City Administrator Rodolfo Saavedra Jr. and USAID-CHANGE staff.  (Sheila Covarrubias)