Local School Board approves Read Juan program

The Local School Board chaired by Mayor John Dalipe on Thursday, June 21, approved the city-led program dubbed Read Juan on Project Reading Engagement Across Developmental Stages or READS.

The program forms part of Mayor Dalipe’s thrust on early childhood care and development through strategic partnership with the City Schools Division Office.

Aside from the Read Juan program, the Local School Board likewise approved the proposal for financial support from the Special Education Fund (SEF) for the National Schools Press Conference (NSPC) and the National Festival of Talents (NFOT) where Zamboangueno students are expected to participate.

The READ JUAN program will be implemented by the city government with the intention of providing learners with opportunities to successfully use independent reading strategies to succeed in the regular educational setting and achieve grade-level efficiency. Likewise, it aims to achieve primary and advanced skills, as well as progress toward the grade level’s desired outcomes.

The program has 4 components – professional development for teachers in beginning reading, remedial, enrichment and enhancement; provision of learning resources and procurement of supplementary materials, gadgets and other equipment; conduct of activities and rewards and recognition.

Present during the meeting held at the City Hall conference room were City Schools Superintendent and LSB Co-Chair Dr. Majarani Jacinto, Councilors Gerky Valesco, John Cary Pioc, Salvador Patricio of the Federation of Public School Teachers; Ben Asdali of the Federation of Parents-Teachers Association; City Finance Committee members and other City Schools Division officials. (Sheila Covarrubias)