CHO renews anti-dengue awareness drive

The City Health Office Monday launches a renewed anti-dengue awareness campaign covering 10 barangays with highest attack rate from January to present. 

However, City Health Officer Dr. Dulce Miravite said the anti-dengue advocacy emphasizing on the 4S strategies and dengue awareness is a year-round campaign.

The launching Monday is in line with the observance of Dengue Awareness Month this June.

Miravite said an 80% reduction in the number of cases registered has been noted this year compared to last year which was declared a dengue outbreak year in Zamboanga City

The renewed campaign was launched Monday during the flag raising ceremony followed by motorcade to the target barangays followed by health teachings, search and destroy activities and fogging in areas where there are clustering of cases.

The renewed dengue awareness drive is slated June 26, 27 and 29 and covers the top 10 barangays: Pasobolong, Mercedes, Zone I, Boalan, Culianan, Mangusu, Lunzuran, Cabaluay, Zambowood and Divisoria.

The activity is spearheaded by the CHO-Sanitary Inspection Unit under Dr. Wilbur Natividad.  (Sheila Covarrubias)