CHO: 8 PUMs off the 14-day quarantine period

The 8 persons under monitoring (PUM) due to their travel history to China where the novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) emanated, are officially off the 14-day quarantine and are safe from the dreaded disease.

Nonetheless, City Health Officer Dr. Dulce Miravite said health authorities continue to monitor the situation as there are several others who have travel history to or from Hubei Province, China, and are required to do home quarantine for 14 days.

Miravite said Zamboanga City remains to have no confirmed cases as well as no persons under investigation for nCoV.

The CHO continues to closely collaborate with the Department of Health and other health agencies including public and private hospitals, conduct information drives, place health personnel in points of entries and other advocacies so that people will be informed with the accurate data and prevent panic and confusion.

Miravite emphasized that persons who have travel history, had exposure to nCoV cases and is a health care worker but with no signs and symptoms of the disease are considered PUM and are required to undergo home quarantine. On the other hand, persons with history of travel, had close contact with nCoV cases, is a health care worker and show signs and symptoms are considred PUI and are advised to be admitted in the hospital.

The City Health Officer urged the public anew to monitor, share and spread only validated information from official sources to prevent panic.

The novel coronavirus is a new strain of coronavirus not previously identified in humans. It affects the respiratory tract.

Miravite said the disease is believed to have transferred from animal species to humans in a seafood and wildlife market in Wuhan City, Hubei Province in China. She said it develops 2-14 days after infection which include colds, cough, fever, shortness of breath and severe respiratory symptoms.

Preventive measures include regular handwashing with soap and water, covering cough and sneeze, drinking adequate water, proper hygiene and sanitation, healthy lifestyle and avoiding crowded places, she added.  (Sheila Covarrubias)