Mayor convenes CCCB in prep for 2020 census

Mayor Beng Climaco convened Wednesday the City Census Coordinating Board (CCCB) in preparation for the nationwide census of population and housing (CPH) in 2020.

Climaco, who chairs the CCCB, rallied the support of the Board members as she stressed that the upcoming census will provide local government executives, policy and decision makers, and planners with updated population and housing data.

She said these data will serve as bases for the social and economic development plans, policies and programs, particularly in the allocation of resources at various geographic levels.

The creation of the CCCB was pursuant to Resolution No. 05 series of 2019 of the Philippine Statistics Authority (BSA) Board in in preparation for the CPH 2020.

The census of population and housing is conducted every 10 years primarily to come up with population figures at the national down to the barangay levels.

The 2020 World Population and Housing Census Programme, adopted by the United Nations Economic and Social Council, recognizes population and housing censuses as “primary sources of data needed for formulating, implementing and monitoring policies and programmes aimed at inclusive socio-economic development and environmental sustainability.”

These censuses are likewise necessary for supplying disaggregated data needed for the measurement of progress of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.-(Vic Larato)