Mayor orders BFP, CDRRMO: intensify fire prevention advocacy

Alarmed by the spate of fire incidents in the city, Mayor Beng Climaco directed the City Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office (CDRRMO) to meet with Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP) officials and other stakeholders to discuss the major causes as well as identify preventive and corrective measures to prevent, if not altogether stop, more conflagrations from occurring in Zamboanga.

The CDRRMO and BFP resolved earlier this week to work closely together in addressing the spate of fire incidents in the city, particularly in increasing the capabilities of all 98 barangays in responding to fires to minimize damage to life and property.

Councilor El King Omaga, council chair of the Committee on Disaster Prevention, co-led the meeting and pushed for the organization of fire brigades in the barangays under the BFP’s OPLAN Ligtas na Pamayanan campaign.

The various barangay fire brigades will undergo intensive capability-building trainings under the BFP, capacitating volunteers as first responders in case of fires in their area of responsibility.

In addition, fire volunteers will be tasked to educate their communities on the need to observe electrical precautions and fire prevention measures, the importance of sound electrical planning in the construction of new houses and/or buildings, the proper handling of appliances, the danger of jumpers and flying connections, among others.

From October 12 to 20, a total of eight (8) conflagrations had been recorded in various parts of the city. Investigations have identified electrical overloading, electrical short circuiting, flying connections and unattended candles and cooking as the main causes. (Claudine Uniana)