Beng to PNP: Pursue cop’s slay case

Mayor Beng Climaco has tasked police authorities to continuously pursue the case related to the slaying of a policeman Sunday dawn along Mayor Vitaliano Agan avenue.

She said no stone should be left unturned in the investigation of the case to give justice to Pat. Pedro Umpad of the Patrol Section of Police Station 11.

Umpad, driver of Runner 4 patrol car was with Pat. Adamer Pandangan when he checked on a group of motorcycle riders engaging in a drag race in the said street. He was stepping out of the car to issue citation tickets to the drag racers when he was repeatedly shot by two men riding in tandem on a motorcycle.

The wounded policeman was rushed to the hospital for treatment but succumbed a few hours after the incident around 3am.

On Wednesday, police authorities have arrested two suspects in the Umpad slay incident during follow-up operations. The arrest has opened up new angles in the investigation.

Mayor Climaco hailed Umpad for his bravery and dedication to police service to the extent of sacrificing his own life for the sake of enforcing the laws of the city.

“The police should pursue the case to bring justice to Pat. Umpad”, the mayor added.  (Sheila Covarrubias)