IBT undergoes improvement, reports increased revenues

The City’s Integrated Bus Terminal (IBT) in barangay Divisoria is being spruced up in both the infrastructure aspect and streamlining of processes and procedures to boost its revenues and subsequently to better serve the public.

Rafael Derick Evangelista III, IBT Supervising Transportation Regulation Officer said ongoing physical improvements include the construction of the covered court and reinforcement of the perimeter fence with the installation of iron grills – all under the supervision of the City Engineer’s Office.

Upcoming projects at the IBT are the installation of additional closed circuit television (CCTV) cameras and the purchase of additional and brand new X-ray baggage machines. Furthermore, the major renovation of the comfort rooms is scheduled before the end of the year.

On the other hand, Evangelista said a recent breakthrough in terms of collection of fees at the parking area for private vehicles at the IBT has been achieved with the strong collaboration between the IBT management and the City Treasurer’s Office (CTO).

Collection for June 2019 has reached an all-time and record high of P150,080 representing a P60,000 increase from the May 2019 record of P91,850. In June 2018, IBT parking collection reached only P95,760.

The joint effort and strong coordination between the IBT and CTO resulted to the huge increase in parking revenues, according to Evangelista, stressing that the two offices are also in the process of updating records and streamlining the processes in the payment of terminal fees in a bid to further improve IBT’s income.  (PR)