CHO steps up anti-dengue advocacy

With the increased number of dengue cases reported in the city, the City Health Office (CHO) urged residents anew to practice dengue prevention measures.

Dr. Dulce Amor Miravite on Monday, July 25, stressed the importance of the 4S practice for dengue prevention, in particular the search and destroy strategy which involves clearing areas inside and outside the home to prevent the accumulation of stagnant water as mosquito breeding sites.

“Search and destroy for the places where stagnant waters would be – tires, tin cans in outside surroundings. El diaton water storage, si tiene man kita ta recuhi agua, necesita tapa,” Miravite explained.

The goal of the search and destroy is to have a dry and water-free area, as stagnant water the size of a bottle cap is already enough for mosquitoes to lay eggs, Miravite said.

Dengue mosquitos are household mosquitoes and Miravite urged residents to ensure that no stagnant water will be found inside their homes. This include water dispensers, toilet, vases, and bathrooms.

“Hace seco el areredor, si tiene agua tan pondo, puede pone larvicide,” the city health officer said.

Larvicides are available at the City Health Office. In lieu of larvicide, Miravite advised putting salt or oil in stagnant water or drainages to prevent mosquitoes from laying eggs.

For the month of June, the City Health Office recorded 845 cases and 19 deaths due to dengue.

Miravite also advised residents to practice self-protection measures such as wearing of long sleeves and pants, and applying insect repellants.

In cases of fever for two days, residents are urged to consult with a doctor immediately. (Jasmine Mohammadsali)