24 test positive in PDEA’s drug screening of 570 PUV drivers

The random and unannounced drug test conducted by the Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA) among public utility drivers plying the west coast last week found 24 positive of illegal drug use out of the total 570 drivers who underwent the screening.

PDEA-Zamboanga City Agent Jury Rocamora said the massive drug testing for the public transport drivers has been launched as part of the demand-reduction program, a continuing program of PDEA in collaboration with the City Anti-Drug Abuse Council (CADAC), Land Transportation Office (LTO), Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board (LTFRB) and Zamboanga City Police Office (ZCPO).

Of the 24 drivers found positive for the use of methamphetamine hydrochloride, locally known as shabu, 8 were tricycle drivers, 14 jeepney drivers and 3 taxi drivers.

Rocamora said a number of drivers submitted their driver’s licenses but eventually did not return for the drug test possibly for fear of positive results.

Names of those found positive were submitted to the LTO for sanctions based on LTO issuances, according to Rocamora.

Drug test areas were established in Magay, Plaza Pershing and KCC and several other areas. Drug testing for PUV drivers plying the east coast is set anytime soon. (Sheila Covarrubias)