Beng, Chinese officials forge pact for mutual cooperation

Mayor Beng Climaco and officials from the Foreign Affairs Office of Dezhou Municipal People’s Republic of China led by Li Jing recently forged and exchanged letters of support for mutual cooperation and a future sisterhood agreement between the cities of Zamboanga and Dezhou.

The event was one of the highlights of the city’s celebration of the 82nd Charter Anniversary or Dia de la Ciudad de Zamboanga last February.

Mayor Climaco hosted a welcome dinner for the Chinese delegation who also graced the Dia de la Ciudad de Zamboanga celebration at the Joaquin Enriquez Memorial Sports Complex last February 26.

Prior to the Dia de Zamboanga program, the delegation visited the Sta. Cruz Island where they were amazed by the pink sands and enjoyed the lagoon tour with the jellyfish encounter as well as ate sea grapes, locally known as latu.

The visit of the Chinese delegation was facilitated by Zamboanga-based Filipino-Chinese businessmen led by Beng Ang, who has been very active in the promotion of the city and generously extends hospitality to Chinese guests.

A Filipino-Chinese friendship marker will soon be established in a strategic area in the city proper. The design and location of the marker was shown to the guests and the local Filipino – Chinese businessmen. This was designed by the City Architect Rodel Falcasantos and is for the approval of the group. The source of fund is yet to be determined.  In a letter to Mayor Climaco, the Foreign Affairs Office of Dezhou Muncicipal said the Chinese delegation has successfully fulfilled its mission of “visiting and exchanging in the Philippines and returned to Dezhou on March 2, 2019. “Thanks to the warm reception and thoughtful arrangements of  your organization, all members of the delegation had a thorough understanding of the economic, social and cultural development of Zamboanga City, forged deep friendship with friends from all walks of life, laid a good foundation for promoting friendly exchanges between Dezhou City and Zamboanga City and will further promote economic and trade development and exchanges between the two cities,” the letter said. (Sheila Covarrubias)