Ten rescued reticulated pythons released back into wild

The Office of the City Environment and Natural Resources (OCENR), Office of the City Veterinarian, and the Department of Environment and Natural Resources- Community Environment and Natural Resources Office- Protected Area Management and Biodiversity Conservation Unit (DENR CENRO-PAMBCU) released  a total of ten rescued reticulated phytons, eight juvenile and two adult, back into its natural…
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OCENR and CENRO-PAMBCU conducts cave assessment and classification at Abuyadero Cave

A joint assessment team composed of spelunkers from Office of the City Environment and Natural Resources (OCENR) and Community Environment and Natural Resources Office – Protected Area Management and Biodiversity Conservation Unit (CENRO-PAMBCU) conducted cave assessment on May 16, 2023 at Abuyadero Cave located at Sitio Masaba, Barangay Quiniput, this city. The cave assessment aimed…
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